Hi there,
Hope you are all well.
Life has been pretty hectic this month. I am spending every waking hour editing Breed 6 from the joyful chaos of first draft into a far more polished, coherent tale.
Hours pass as I pour over the manuscript, improving prose, tweaking dialogue, and sometimes removing scenes, characters, and story arcs altogether. Its really quite exhausting.
And then there’s the real world, with its usual chores and a party that I agreed to hold for someone, which took DAYS to prepare.
Oh, yes. Occasionally I sleep as well.
All this is a long winded way of saying that I don’t have much to share with you this month.
My work is in a couple of promotions though. I hope you find something you like amongst the other books there. If you do please let me know. At some point soon I hope to have some free time in which to read, and I am always on the lookout for a good book.
Now, back to the editing.
Until next time,

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