Greetings and salutations, Happy Easter (and or) Blessed Egg Day to you all.
Given the loud, love hungry crooning of the fifty million birds that have decided to ply their filthy trade in my back garden I suppose ‘actual’ spring is almost here. Nights are lighter, morning comes around too quickly, the big ball of fire is in the sky more often, and I’m editing Breed Six.
To prove I’m actually getting on with it instead of lying on a beach sipping pina coladas, here’s a bit from the first bit that probably…possibly won’t be changed much…maybe.
The thing is a book is never finished; it’s just surrendered. I could change everything ten times over and still not be satisfied. It’s a curse but there are worse, so I’ll forgive me my pickiness.
Darkness has a home in me
If only.
Swann would steal the suns from the sky and condemn the world to darkness if only he did not have to enter the mill and confirm his worst fears. Caught between ignorance and knowledge, the moment was as fragile as ice, more precious than rubies. He held his breath, tried to will time to stop so that he might remain forever on the cusp of despair or salvation.
If only.
All hope, all fear were encompassed in those two, small words. If only she had been spared, if only she had escaped, if only he had not met Breed Blake. The pain of wishful thinking hammered nails in his heart. He leaned against the door, the paint blistered and blackened beneath his burning touch. He was losing his grip on the Paradox that he had resisted for so long, for her, for Effie. Everything was always only for Effie.
If only.
He stood up, took a last look around. The lights of warehouses on either side of the river turned the Val into a ribbon of beaten gold. The cries of bargees and dockers warmed the night, but the mill was an island of silence. He waved his hand. The door cracked along its length and fell apart. Shadows clung to the cold walls where lanterns used to shine.
“Effie?” Her name caught in his throat. As he stepped inside the wards he had embedded in the walls began to glow. He quieted them with a wave. He did not want the warning.
“Swann?” Effie called.
So, there you go. The beginning of the end. Any questions or comments stick ’em on the FB page or mail me. The next newsletter will hopefully have a pre-order date and maybe even a cover reveal. Until then, enjoy the sunshine and pina coladas.
All the best
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