Evening folks,
Hot innit? Too dang hot for me, anyway. Not that I love the cold, but the thing about the cold is you can put layers on. Summer is different. Apparently working nekkid is ‘frowned upon’ and ‘a bit much’ according to my nan who dropped in unexpectedly the other week.
Aaanyway, now I have an ankle tag.
Only joking. I do have a state of the art… for 1990, Colde Ayre Blewer or ‘electric fan’ as the kids are calling them these days. It’s almost entirely useless, akin to having someone who smokes fifty a day blow raspberries at me while they’re running a marathon.
As in previous weeks, my life is editing in my dark office, now with extra sweat. I’ve had to banish the dogs because it is too hot to be confined in a smol room with a panting, farting critter or so they said via their speak ‘n’ spell buttons. What can I say? Everyone’s a critic.
When evening falls, I emerge from my den like a bog eyed Morlock and take the hounds for a walk before hitting the sack and watching rubbish tv. I think you’ll agree, life doesn’t get wilder than this.
I am however closing in on completing the second draft of Breed 6.
I find the second draft to be the hardest. (I would say that wouldn’t I?) This is the version where I attempt to dig out the story I’ve buried under a mountain of possible subplots and extraneous words.
Like a diamond ring that I’ve dropped in a cess pit, I know it’s in there, I just have to hold my nose and wade into the muck. It’s quite technical, especially for someone whose brain is literally boiling in its own cerebrospinal juice.
What I wrote in the heat of the moment I have to take apart and rebuild. I won’t bore you with the details, suffice it to say the manuscript has grown despite redundant storylines being removed. It’s like magic without the rabbits.
I’m currently working on Chapter Thirty, which is about seven from ‘The End’ but that might change.
While we’re all waiting for the next exciting instalment of ‘KT’s Die in Hot Offices’, here’s a survey– a chance to get to know a little more about you like your bank details, mother’s maiden name, first pet that kind of thing*. Feel free to ignore, but don’t, but if you want to you can, obviously…
*Not really. I know if you read my stuff you’re bright enough to know that, but just in case a rando got in here by accident, let me assure you, I am too thick and too scared of them prison daddies to commit fraud.

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