How’s your February going? As you may have noticed, January felt like it was made entirely of Sundays and the colour grey. So far, a few Mondays have been sprinkled through February, and the great ball of fire in the sky has made an occasional appearance.
Some of you might be getting ready to slap on the Dapper Dan pomade and buy your beloved other halfsies a bunch of flowers. Some of you might also be breaking out the blankies and headphones in preparation for Hallmark Day. To each their own—I do not judge. Because I will take almost any excuse to drink wine and eat good food I will be celebrating.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. Breed Six, AKA Where There’s a Blade, will be released on the 25th of this month.
It’s a big beast—the longest Breed novel evah at 130,000 words, and most of them aren’t ‘fuck.’ Not gonna lie, though—a fair few of them are.
Anyway, there you go. You can beat the rush and any impending ink shortages by pre-ordering my magnum hopeless here…
(Kindle Version Only, Paperback releases on 25th)
If any of you have any questions about anything to do with Breed, or writin’ stuff, feel free to get in touch.
Muchas gracias, amigos*
*Why Spanish? Why not?